
MSc in Sport Management, BA in Philology (Linguistics & Spanish, Galician and Portuguese literature), I also did some courses in Journalism & Media Studies at the University of Santiago de Compostela until I got my first job. I ran up my professional ladder from admin jobs in a magazine to designer, then to journalist, then to project director in a design agency, later in an internet agency. Looking for new challenges I moved to the UK to lecture at the University of Stirling for 3 years, and from here launched a web development company back in Spain.

This is a chronological list:

1997-1999. Journalist at Tempos Novos, a monthly magazine of news and analysis. I entered the company to do admin jobs (1997), helping to keep a good data base of subscribers. Then I started to write pieces of news, reports… and to coordinate the culture section (1998). Then I moved to be proof editor, admin manager, liaison agent with printing companies and eventually its chief editor and also its designer (1998 onwards).

1999. Freelance journalist for other media such as the Spanish main newspaper El Mundo, a specialized magazine for the printing industry ‘Gráfica’, a specialized magazine on children’s books ‘Fadamorgana’, a magazine for a NGO of progressive Catholicism ‘Bienio Irmandiño’ or local magazines. Also I kept my links to design, doing occasional jobs of editing & layout as a freelance.

1999-2001. Project manager in a design agency, item:)aga

  • Project manager
  • Content producer, and digital content producer
  • Editor, and digital editor
  • Librarian
  • Digital journalist for the magazine of that design agency, Vieiros, a pioneer digital media in Spain.

2001-2006. Project director in a digital agency, Acordar, spin-off of the previous company. The new company toke over all the digital business of the former.

  • Project director
  • Digital content producer, in large projects for large companies (banks), city councils and the regional government (ministries and agencies)
  • Digital editor
  • Digital journalist for Vieiros, where I specialized myself in sports, language (a vibrant section in that digital media), and cultural information. I got the Concello de Carballo Award to the 2nd best piece of journalism 2006 on linguistic issues.

2005-2006. Freelance radio journalist for Radio Galega, main Galician radio broadcaster. I produced and created a weekly micro-program (15-20′) on LGBT issues.

2006-2009. Visiting lecturer at the University of Stirling

  • Course planner on Galician Language and Culture
  • Lecturer
  • External examiner
  • Cultural event producer
  • Administrative tasks

2006-2007. Freelance journalist and editor of cultural magazines, such as ‘Praza das Letras’ for the Ministry of Culture of Galician government on literature and books or ‘Protexta’ for Tempos novos, again on literature and books. Also comments writer for Galician digital media and newspapers (Vieiros, A Nosa Terra), on politics and British issues.

2006-2007. Daily crosswords author for a main Galician newspaper, Xornal de Galicia.

2008-present. Founder, co-owner and director of A navalla suíza, a leading digital agency, where I covered main non-development positions. Our main customers where banks, large NGOs and regional governing bodies.

  • Project director
  • Editor
  • Content producer
  • Financial director
  • Sales director
  • HR manager
  • CSR manager
  • General director

2011-present. Tour guide for Traveling Around Scotland, a Scottish tourism agency oriented to Italian and Spanish-speaking audiences. Occasional job, increased after March 2017. I covered driving and guiding for regular tours and VIP tours.

2017-present. Freelance digital consultant, working in digital transformation for private customers, such as the University of Vigo (Summer 2017).


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