
Despite my love for sport, I can’t start this page with an impressive record running or cycling. My work in sports has been as events manager and official, from local championships to the Olympics, or the other way round. I just want to pay back to sport what I’ve received from it.

MSc in Sport Management

I got a Masters degree (MSc) in Sport Management at the University of Stirling (2010). Coming back to university for a degree in sports, while I was working in web development, was a beautiful detour to learn more about my true passion in a formal way. What I learned about sport policies, and public and private sport management was amazing, and I would love to put in practice my knowledge working for governing bodies or private sport entities. I keep myself updated on the main trends, looking forward for my exciting opportunity.
My Masters final dissertation was a research on sport policies. I always found very interesting how to measure the implementation of public policies, and I decided to focus on the use of national teams in government agendas. The skills that I learned while writing my dissertation were later applied in my professional job as webmaker.

Big events

Since a kid, I dreamed of the Olympics. Torchbearer in Barcelona 1992, I wanted to participate in the biggest event of all. Eventually, I volunteered in Athletics at the London Summer Olympics, in 2012, where I tasted what such a formidable experience is, helping the Athletics technical team at the Olympic Stadium. Since then, I have been improving my skills and my experience to attend a new Olympics in a more demanding role.
I also volunteered at the 2014 Commonwealth Games, celebrated in Glasgow, but in this case as an official. I was part of the technical team delivering athletics events (both at the stadium and on the road) and working as a judge in the video room.
I have a previous link to the Olympics, as I was a member of the Spanish Olympic Academy, since I joined the 46th session of the International Olympic Academy back in 2006. For that reason I was a member of IOAPA (International Olympic Academy Participants Association) for a while.


I did athletics as a teen, but stopped when I went to University. After some years doing sport only at a recreational level, I realised how much I missed a bigger commitment to sports: so I decided to come back to athletics, now as an official. Firstly in Spain, where I got to Regional Referee level, then in the UK, where I got to level 4 (of 5). Adding up all this time, I’ve been continuously acting as a referee in athletics since 2003.
I am now skilled to referee in British Championships, international championships such as Diamond League and of course minor, local and school championships. My mission in these events range from planning and managing the event to watch that competitors act in fairness.
In May 2018 I have been selected as a Board Member of the Equality and Diversity Advisory Group, at Scottish Athletics. with the mission, amongst others, of developping and driving forward the Scottish Athletics Equality Action Plan and acting as an ambassador for equality and diversity.

My Cycling Days

My favourite sport activity right now is cycling: I love urban cycling and, although I do cycling holidays now and then, my main cycling activity is commuting: around 2,000 miles cycled every year.
But I am passionate about social change. As I have been working in digital transformation, I am also very interested in attitudes’ change towards transport (and cycling) and I attended conferences and workshops on that topic. I would love to work to apply all my theoretical knowledge, my experience in policies of transformation, and my passion as a volunteer to a job in this field.

Other Sports

I also played regularly football, basketball, hockey, canoeing, chess, fencing, cycling and, most importantly, athletics, back in my teen years in Ourense. My main event was 110 hurdles. I also have some knowledge as a trainer, with an official Spanish Title in coaching by the Spanish School of Coaching in Athletics (Escuela Nacional de Entrenadores de la Federación Española de Atletismo).

As a volunteer, I also helped other events, such the World Cross Championships in Edinburgh, and randonneur events such as the London-Edinburgh-London. Occasionally, I like to help the Cycling Hub in my local town.

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