Core Values

I came here to make a positive contribution to my world. Although I am only 1/6,000,000,000 responsible for this, I do my best to give to my nieces and nephews a better environment to fulfill their ambitions and to live in peace and equality. What really touches me is…

The Culture of Sharing

All my creative works (editors permitting) have been licensed under Creative Commons licenses. I also delivered workshops in open culture and content licensing, and promoted open standards in my professional jobs, showing my customers that more often than not licensing content under copyleft helps to spread our message.
The open project I helped the most is Wikipedia. I’ve been editor of Wikipedia in Galician since 2006. most of that time as an admin: over 50,000 editions, plus some occasional work in sibling projects, like English Wikipedia (also French or Spanish), Wikimedia or Wikidata.
I am very interested in collaborative economy and social models, and a fan of a society of sharing. In my personal time I do couchsurfing as a host, and I share my transport means (when I do not cycle).


It is hard to look around and not to see the gender gap which, I believe, is hampering the whole of our society. In my job in IT, but also in my life in sport, the gender unbalance has always worried me and I worked to reduce it.
My other main responsibility in equality is queerness: I worked in LGBTQ+ groups in Spain (treasurer of my LGBT society) and also in Scotland (Stirling University). And although this has been the focus of my equality work, the other large unbalances (race, origin, beliefs, disabilities, age…) are present in my roles at work and in sport.
In May 2018 I have been selected as a Board Member of the Equality and Diversity Advisory Group, at Scottish Athletics. with the mission, amongst others, of developping and driving forward the Scottish Athletics Equality Action Plan and acting as an ambassador for equality and diversity.

A Better World

Inherited from my dad, I am very fond of nature, particularly birds: I did courses and other learning activities on mammals, birds or ecology and I’ve been member of a wide range of entities, from ecology activism to conservationism and gardening (Adega, Verdegaia or Sociedade Galega de Ornitoloxía back in Spain, RSPB or occasional work days for Stirling Rangers in Scotland).
Politically, I support an open society where everyone can travel, work, trade, consume or live wherever they like. Until now, the best example for that freedom has been the European Union, and the best system to ensure that is democracy. That’s why I am pro-EU and a democratic activist. The political party that, in my view, best supports these ideas is the LibDems and I am a member of its Scottish brand.
I also did community work, as a volunteer, teaching kids from very deprived backgrounds, back in Spain.

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